As I learn new lessons, the best thing to do it use it right away. Here are a few new lessons we have introduced this week.
Mrs. Bromley and "C" are working with Compound Words. There are pictures of compound words with a basket of objects. The child says the word and find the two words that make up that word in the obects. For example the word football, the child will find a foot and a ball to put them next to the card! It is also fun to guess the word by looking at the objects and finding the picture that matches!
This group of children are playing Bingo! Their game boards have the letters on them and the caller picks a letter from the bag for the group. Games are a great way to have children working together, having fun and LEARNING!
"B" is working the the "I Spy" box. There are objects in there and we identify them by the initial sound. "I spy with my little eye, something that starts with "sss".
This is our new teen board. It is a wonderful way to introduce the numbers 11-19 with the symbol and quantity. We use the colored beads and golden beads to let the children build the numbers. They can start to see the relationships between the numbers.
Addition is a fun activity to do with a friend. There are many steps, but it is always fun to work together. Each of the children set up the small numerals on a mat. We then build each addend with the small numerals on a tray.

Then it is off to the "bank" to build the numbers with the golden beads. This picture shows that we had three bankers ready to help!
Each child builds their number with the golden beads on the rug. Here is the number 4738 + 3251
Then the two children add their golden beads together and place the larger wooden numerals for each place value. When all beads are added up, the answer is right there! It is very fun to watch the golden bead grow. What a great introduction to addition!